Seed Garlic for Farms & Gardens
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The Healing Power of Garlic
Centuries old remedies for our maladies
In 1992 Lalitha (co-owner of Rasa Creek Farm) was commissioned to put together a book on the use of herbs that would be easily accessible to the general public. The result was 10 Essential Herbs, which has since sold over 30,000 copies in five languages.

Garlic is, of course, one of the 10 Essentials and while many people already know about garlic as a powerful antibiotic and fungicide, it's the rare individual who can use this amazing little herb to its full potential. Lalitha spent eleven years in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts training as a Master of Herbalism under the tutelage of renowned herbalist, Eva Graf.
It would be impossible to recreate the clear and fun way in which 10 Essential Herbs is laid out in book form, so we're not even going to try. Instead, we've decided to make the entire chapter on garlic available to you for FREE. Be sure to read the "Introduction" and "How To" chapters also since they're full of important tools needed to make optimal use of the garlic remedies. And when you're ready to add the other 9 Essentials to your arsenal of herbal remedies come back and order the entire book.
Cover, PDF file (323KB)
Contents, Foreword & Introduction, PDF file (1.2MB)
Chapter VI—Garlic, PDF file (6.4MB)
10 Essential Herbs, 367 pages, signed by author and shipped direct: $34.95
From the Foreword
Lalitha's extensive knowledge relative to the botanicals she has elected to write about is quite impressive to say the least. She gives plants personality and feeling!
It shows in how as well as what she writes about. These various herbs come alive on the pages, colored not only by her own sensitivities, but also fully endowed with the dynamic energy of her very capable expertise. In clear and concise terms she takes the guesswork out of herbs. Under her reliable tutelage even the most novice of users of botanicals will soon become qualified enough to use those she covers in a safe and effective way. That is saying a lot considering just how many other herb books are out there at present.
It's a true winner in every sense of the word. A reliable gem for consumers to place confidence in. Congratulations to you, Ms. Thomas, botanical medicine will benefit from your book for years to come.
John Heinerman, Ph.D.
Medical Anthropologist